Fountain Nr.2

I don't remember if I've mentioned this in any of my previous posts but the Ottoman Fountains restoration campaign actually consists of two separate projects. One is the infamous ablution fountain next to the mosque, talked about in previous posts and the other one is the fountain near the church of Aghios Spyridon. As it turned out (thanks for the research, Marianna!) the latter was built in the 2nd half of the 17th century, two centuries before the Mosque fountain. It's a simpler structure but it's a fine example of buildings of its kind. It had been hidden behind two enormous dumpsters, lighting and telephone poles and all the usual Greek town street clutter. But now it's as seen in the picture. Mihalis, our chief mason did an excellent job rebuilding parts of the roof and frieze and Aliki and myself took up the job of removing cement based pointing mortar, cleaning the stones and re pointing. Still some work to be done but we're very proud of what we've done with it so far.
On a side note, it's worth mentioning how the neighbourhood dealt with the whole situation of two city slickers messing about with part of their neighbourhood. Most congratulated us on our patience and fine job, some thought we were taking far too long and ofcourse there were the inevitable few who thought we should have knocked the whole thing down because it was turkish. Yes, there are still people like that (sorry to spoil your we-are-not-racist-they-are-foreign parade people. You know who you are. What? You don't? Well, I'll give you a clue: It's you who believe god is Greek.
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